If I Will Not Stir Up Myself to Go Forward Right Now...

Take care what I am doing...

  • If I will not stir up myself to go forward, 
  • how should I feel anything but doubt about my soul?

But what if I am like those whom others stand in doubt...

  • What if I am in a worse case even than the almost Christians? 
  • Like those who once made a high profession of faith, 
  • but have now given it up?

Like those who were once reckoned to be true believers, 

  • but have turned back again to the world and fallen away? 
  • Have I gone back from the point in faith I once seemed to have reached?
Do I walk no more in the ways I once seemed to choose? 

  • In short, am I a backslider?

Is this the state of my soul? 

  • If it is, know for a certainty that my condition is most unsatisfactory. 
  • It matters little what my past experience was. 
  • It proves little that I was counted among true Christians 

It may have been all a mistake and a delusion. 

  • It is my present condition of soul that I must look at, 
  • and as I do so, 
  • I must stand in doubt.

-Adapted Excerpt From

Startling Questions

J. C. Ryle


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