Surely Here Is Ground For Hope: If God Be For Me

I hope because... 

  • I have an interest in an everlasting covenant, 
  • a covenant ordered in all things and sure. 
The stamp of heaven is upon me. 

  • The marks of the Lord Jesus are on my soul. 
  • Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, have all engaged to carry out my soul’s salvation. 
  • There is a threefold cord around me which never yet was broken. 
Surely, here is ground for hope.

I hope because I have a Savior, 

  • whose blood can cleanse from all sin,—
A Savior who invites all, 

  • and casts out none that come to Him,—
A Savior who will not break the bruised reed, 

  • nor quench the smoking flax,—
A Savior who can be touched with the feeling of your infirmities, 

  • and is not ashamed to call you brethren,—
A Savior who never alters, the same yesterday, to-day, and forever, 

  • always able to save to the uttermost, always mighty to save. 
Surely here is ground for hope.

I hope, because the love of Christ is a love that passes knowledge. 

  • So free and undeserved! 
  • So costly, even unto death! 
  • So powerful and all-conquering! 
  • So unchanging and enduring! 
  • So patient and forbearing! 
  • So tender and sympathizing! 
Truly my sins pass knowledge, 

  • and this is the very love my soul needs. 
Surely here is ground for hope.

I hope because God has given to me exceeding great and precious promises,—

  • promises of being kept unto the end,—
  • promises of grace for every time of need, and strength according to my day,—
  • promises that never yet were broken, all yea and amen in Christ Jesus. 
Surely here is ground for hope.

If I am a believer, these things are a strong foundation. 
  • If God be for me, who shall be against me? 
  • There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus. 
  • Nothing shall ever separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Adapted Excerpt From

Startling Questions

J. C. Ryle


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