Surely, Here Is Ground For Hope: The Work of God

I know well that I live in a world full of trials. 

  • I am yet in the wilderness; I am not at home. 
I know well that pride, and unbelief, and sloth are continually struggling for the mastery within me. 

  • I have fightings without and fears within. 
I doubt not my heart is so treacherous and deceitful... 

  • that I am often sick of myself and say, 
  • “Never was heart like mine.” 

But notwithstanding all this. I must hope well for my soul.

I hope, because I believe that God has begun a work in me... 

  • which He will never allow to be overthrown. 
Who taught me to hate sin and love Christ? 

  • Who made me come out from the world and delight in God’s service? 
  • These things do not come from my own heart. 
  • Nature bears no such fruit. 

These things are the work of God, 

  • who where He begins, always finishes; 
  • who where He gives grace, will also give glory. 
Surely, here is ground for hope.

Adapted Excerpt From

Startling Questions

J. C. Ryle


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