Have I Left My First Love?

Have I gone back to the world? 

  • Have I lingered; 
  • Have I looked back; 
  • Have I returned; 
  • Have I left my heart behind me?
Have I taken up the old man’s deeds once more?

  • Have I left my first love? 
  • Has my goodness proved like the morning clouds, 
  • and as the early dew has it gone away?
Are my serious impressions fast dying off?

  • Am I getting weaker and fainter every day? 
Are my convictions fast withering up? 

  • are they changing color like leaves in autumn—
  • Will they soon drop off and disappear? 

Are the gray hairs, which tell of decline, coming here and there upon me? 

  • Does the preaching I once hung upon, now weary me? 
  • Do the books I delighted in give pleasure no more? 
  • Is the progress of Christ’s Gospel no longer interesting? 
  • Is the company of God’s children no longer sought?
They or I must be changed.

Am I becoming shy of holy people, 

  • impatient of rebuke and advice, 
  • uncertain in my tempers, 
  • careless about little sins, 
  • not afraid of mixing with the world?
Once it was not so.—

I may keep up some form of Christianity perhaps, 

  • but as to vital godliness, am I fast cooling down? 
Am I already lukewarm? 

  • By-and-by I will be cold; 
  • and before long I will be icy, faith-frozen, 
  • and more dead than I was before. 
If I am grieving the Spirit, 

  • will He soon leave me?

If I am tempting the devil, 
will he soon come to me? 

  • If my heart is ready for him; 
  • my last state will be worse than my first. 
Oh! Strengthen the things which remain 

  • which are ready to die! 

Adapted Excerpt From

Startling Questions

J. C. Ryle


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