Give Up This Halting Right Now...

Give up this halting between two opinions

If ever I mean to enjoy good evidences of my salvation...
  • There must be an alteration in me. 
  • There must be a move. 
  • There is no real standing still in true Christianity. 
If God’s work is not going forward in my heart, 

  • the devil’s is; 
If I am always at the same point in my faith, 
  • the probability is that I have no real faith at all. 

It is not enough to wear Christ’s uniform; 

  • I must also fight Christ’s battle. 
It is not enough to cease to do evil; 

  • I must also learn to do well. 
It will not suffice to do no harm; 

  • I must also labor to do good. 
Oh! tremble, 
  • lest I should prove an unprofitable receiver of God’s talents,—
  • a barren cumberer of the ground, 
  • and my end be to be burned. 
Remember, if I am not with Christ, I am against Him.

Adapted Excerpt From

Startling Questions

J. C. Ryle


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