Dare to Be Bold And Decided Now

Now, am I one of them? 

If I am, 

  • I should fear for myself,—
  • I should tremble for myself,—
  • I should be alarmed for myself,—
  • I should be exceedingly afraid

What is it that I should fear for myself? 
  • I should fear everything. 
  • I should fear that I will persist in rejecting Christ till I have sinned away my own soul. 
  • I should fear that I will be given over to a reprobate mind, and awake no more. 

I should fear that I will come to such deadness and hardness of heart, 
  • that nothing but the voice of the archangel and the trump of God will break my sleep. 
I should fear I will cling to this vain world so closely, 
  • that nothing but death will part it and me. 
I should fear that I will live without Christ, 
  • die without pardon, 
  • rise again without hope, 
  • receive judgment without mercy, 
  • and sink into hell without remedy

I must be warned...
  • I must be solemnly warned to flee from the wrath to come. 
  • I must be entreated to remember that the Bible is all true, 
  • and must be fulfilled,—
  • that the end of my present ways are misery and sorrow,—
  • that without holiness I shall not see the Lord,—
  • that as one of the wicked I shall be turned into hell, 
  • along with all the people that forget God,—
That God shall one day take account of all my doings, 
  • and that if I remain a Christ-less sinner, 
  • I can never stand in His sight, 
  • for He is holy, and a consuming fire. 
Oh! that I would consider these things! 
  • Where is the man that can hold his finger for a minute in the flame of a candle? 
  • Who shall dwell with, everlasting burnings?
  • Who shall dwell with, everlasting burnings?

I know well the thoughts that Satan will put into my heart, as I read these words. 
  • The Enemy knows well the excuses that I could try to make. 
  • He will tell me, “Christianity is all very well, but a man must live.” 
  • I must be able to answer, “It is quite true a man must live, 
  • but it is no less true that he must also die.” 
The Enemy may tell me, “a man cannot starve.” 
  • I must be able to answer, “that I do not want any one to starve, 
  • but neither also do I want anyone to burn in hell.” 
The Enemy may tell me, “a man must mind his business first in this world.” 
  • I must be able to answer, “Yes! and the first business a man should mind is his eternal business,
  • the business of his soul.

, I plead with you in all affection to break off your sins,—
  • to repent and be converted. 
I plead with you to change your course,—
  • to alter your ways about Christianity,—
  • to turn from your present carelessness about your soul, 
  • and become a new person. 
I offer to you through Jesus Christ the forgiveness of all past sins,—
  • free and complete forgiveness,—
  • ready, present, everlasting forgiveness. 
  • I tell you in my Master’s name, 
  • that if you will turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, 
  • this forgiveness shall at once be your own. 
Oh! do not refuse so gracious an invitation. 
  • Do not hear of Christ dying for you,—
  • Christ shedding His own blood for you,—
  • Christ stretching out His hands to you, 
  • and yet remain unmoved. 

Do not love this poor perishing world better than eternal life. 
  • Dare to be bold and decided. 
  • Resolve to come out from the broad way which leads to destruction. 
  • Arise and escape for your life, while it is called to-day. 
  • Repent, believe, pray, and be saved.
Readers, I fear for you in your present state. 
  • My heart’s desire and prayer is that God may make you fear for yourself.
Adapted Excerpt From
    Startling Questions
      J. C. Ryle


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