Am I Filled With My Own Ways?

But I cannot let you go without trying to do you good. 

  • I do pity you indeed, because you are so unhappy. 
  • I know it; I am sure of it; it is useless to deny it. 
  • You have been unhappy ever since you fell away. 
You are unhappy at home, and unhappy abroad; 
  • unhappy in company, and unhappy alone; 
  • unhappy when you lie down, and unhappy when you rise up. 
You may have got riches, honor, love, obedience, friends; 
  • but yet the sting remains. 
  • There is a famine of consolation about you; 
  • there is an utter dearth of inward peace. 

You are sick at heart; 
  • you are ill at ease; 
You are discontented with everybody, 
  • because you are discontented with yourself. 
You are like a bird that has wandered from her nest—
  • you never feel in your right place. 

You have too much Christianity to enjoy the world, 
  • and too little faith to enjoy God. 
You are weary of life, 
  • and yet afraid to die. 
Truly the words of Solomon are made good in your case, 
  • “You are filled with your own ways."

Adapted Excerpt From

Startling Questions

J. C. Ryle


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