A Place in My Heart For Everything But God Right Now

I ought to be exceedingly afraid. Am I one of them?

If Bible words mean anything, 

  • Have I not yet been converted and born again?
  • Am I not justified? 
  • Am I not sanctified? 
  • Do I not have the Spirit?
  • Do I have no faith?
  • Do I have no grace? 
Are my sins not forgiven?

  • Is my heart not changed? 
  • Am I not ready to die?
  • Am I not meet for heaven? 
  • Am I neither godly, nor righteous, nor a saint? 
  • If so, Bible words mean nothing at all to me.

Am I to all appearances...

  • thinking no more about my soul than the beasts that perish? 
  • There is nothing to show that they think of the life to come 
  • any more than the horse and ox, which have no understanding. 

Is my treasure all on earth?

  • Are my good things plainly all on this side of the grave? 
  • Is my attention swallowed up by the perishable things of time?
  • Meat, drink, and clothing,—
  • money, houses, and land,—
  • business, pleasure, or politics,—
  • marrying, reading, or company;—
  • Are these the kind of things which fill my heart? 
Do I live as if there were no such book as the Bible? 

  • Do I go on as if resurrection and eternal judgment were not true, 
  • but a lie? 
As to grace, and conversion, and justification, and holiness,—

  • are they things I care not for;—
  • are they words and names I am either ignorant of, or despise? 

I am going to die. 

  • I am going to be judged. 
  • Yet, do I seem to be even more hardened than the devil? 
  • Do I appear neither to believe nor tremble?
  • What a horrible state this is for my immortal soul to be in! 
  • But oh! how common!

Do I have a form of religion that is, after all, nothing but a form? 
  • Do I profess and call myself a Christian? 
  • Do I go to a place of worship on Sunday? 
  • But when I have said that, have I said all? 
Where is the Christianity of the New Testament to be seen in my life? 
  • Nowhere at all? 
  • Is sin plainly not considered my worst enemy?
  • nor the Lord Jesus my best friend,—
  • nor the will of God my rule of life,—
  • nor salvation the great end of my existence? 

Does the spirit of slumber keep possession of my heart, 
  • and am I at ease, self-satisfied, and content? 
  • Am I in a Laodicean frame of mind, 
  • and imagine I have enough Christianity?
God speaks to me continually, 
  • by mercies,—by afflictions,—by sermons; but will I not hear? 
  • Jesus knocks at the door of my heart, but will I not open? 
When I am told of death and eternity, 
  • do I remain unconcerned? 
When I am warned against the love of the world, 
  • do I plunge into it week after week without shame? 
When I hear of Christ coming upon earth to die for sinners, 
  • do I go away unmoved? 

Does there seem to be a place in my heart for everything but God;
  • —room for business,
  • —room for pleasures,
  • —room for trifling,
  • —room for sin,
  • —room for the devil,
  • —room for the world: 

But, like the inn at Bethlehem, 
  • is there no room for Him who made me?
  • —no admission for Jesus, the Spirit, and the Word? 
  • What a horrible condition of things this is! 
  • But, how common!
To Be Continued...

    Adapted Excerpt From
      Startling Questions
        J. C. Ryle


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