Neglected, Overlooked, and Forgotten


What misery sin has brought into the world!

  • Well may we be told to pray for the coming of God's kingdom!
  • Well may we be told to long for the second advent of Jesus Christ!
  • There will be no chronic invalids and incurable diseases when Christ has renewed this earth.
How great is the mercy and compassion of Christ.
  • He is far more ready to save than man is to be saved,
  • far more willing to do good than man is to receive it.
  • No one ever need be afraid of beginning the life of a true Christian, if he feels disposed to begin.
  • Let him not hang back and delay, under the vain idea that Christ is not willing to receive him.
  • Let him come boldly, and trust confidently.
  • He who healed the cripple at Bethesda is still the same.
Renewed health should send us back to our post in the world... 
  • with a deeper hatred of sin
  • a more thorough watchfulness over our own ways
  • and a more constant purpose of mind to live for God.
  • "Let me sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto me."
Let us with grateful hearts, bless God that we have such a Gospel and such a Savior as the Bible reveals.
  • Are we ever sick and ill?  Let us remember that Christ sees, and knows, and can heal as He thinks fit.
  • Are we ever in trouble?  Let us hear in our trouble the voice of God, and learn to hate sin more.
Adapted Excerpt from J.C. Ryle's The Gospel of John


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