God Has Stepping Stones in Every Swamp


"Discouragement is disenchanted egotism" - the heart knocked out of self-love.  I expected things to go this way and they have not, so I shall give it all up.

We do our loved ones no favor when we sympathize with their discouragement.  

Let them have their way in wandering into the latest form of progressive Christianity, trauma informed therapy, de-conversion or deconstruction, and all the refuse and debris spewing out from our woke culture. For, this "drifting away" eventually will lead them to disillusion and discouragement - to  disenchanted egos.  

Let God use their wanderings to knock their hearts out of self-love, giving them all up in order to come to know His love.  For, God's love is a following love that will lead them out of the "swamp" of lies.

His thoughts said, "I am distressed because of some very dear to me who have drifted away."

    His Father said, "They are dear to Me too.  Mine is a following love.  And when they return, My love will run to meet them."

His thoughts said, "What of one who walked in the straight way of faith, but being lured by the will-o'-wisp of false teaching, is wandering in the swamp?"

    His Father said, "I have stepping stones in every swamp."

Then the son worshiped saying, "O Sovereign Lord, Thou Lover of souls, all the springs of my hope are in Thee."  And like music played softly, melodious words sounded in his ears: "These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace."  

- Amy Carmichael's His Thoughts Said... His Father Said


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