The Tears God Shed Over Me

Yet will I leave a remnant . . .”(Ezekiel 6:8). 

remnant: a part or quantity that is left after the greater part has been destroyed.

The destructive power of God’s judgements is to lead a remnant to the experience of repentance

  • The Apostle Paul says it is the goodness of God that leads men to repentance—
  • unfortunately it is apt to be only God’s destructions that lead to repentance. 
The goodness of God does lead some men to repentance, but not all, 
  • because the effect of wrongdoing is to destroy the power of knowing the wrong 
  • and men become self-complacent in their wrong. 

The signs of repentance are a broken and a contrite heart and weeping eyes before God. 

  • The “godly sorrow” which forcefully tears apart the unity of a man’s life is one of the rarest treasures of human experience 
  • because it brings me, through self-loathing, to recognize the tears God shed over me, in the blood of His Son.

Adapted Excerpt From

Notes on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel

Oswald Chambers


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