Are We More Horror-Struck...

Am I watching with Jesus in my life? 

Am I looking for what He is looking for, 
or looking for satisfaction for myself? 

Very few of us watch with Jesus, 

we have only the idea of His watching with us. 
He is inscrutable to us because He represents a standard of things 
that only one or two of us enter into. 

We are easily roused over things that hurt us; 

we are scandalized at immorality because it upsets us. 

There is something infinitely more vital 

than the horror roused by social crimes, 
and that is the horror of God’s Son at sin. 

In the Garden of Gethsemane the veil is drawn aside, 

and it reveals the suffering that realizes the horror of sin.
Are we more horror-struck 
by the pride of the human heart against God
than we are by the miseries and crimes of human life? 
That is the test.

Adapted Excerpt From

The Place of Help

Oswald Chambers


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