Snowy White Yarn

What does the Bible mean when it says that people "do what is right in their own eyes"? 

Yarn comes in many shades of white; I love the warm color of ivory or antique white.

But what happens when I hold the ivory shade up to the snowy white yarn?  It does not look so white, does it?  For now we have the whiter one to look at, and the ivory white seems to be a dirty yellow.  

"Doing what is right in our own eyes" is like the ivory white yarn; our own goodness seems beautiful and pure to us because we haven't held it up to compare it to God's holiness - the snowy white yarn.  So what is God's holiness? Let's see what God has to say about Himself:

Psalm 145:17 Everything God does is right - the trademark on all his works is love.

Habakkuk 1:13 But you are pure and cannot stand the sight of evil... 

God has never done or thought anything that could be even the least little bit wrong or unloving.  God is so pure that when He see sin, He turns away from it.

So when we think of holiness like that, all our own goodness begins to look like dirty yellow yarn when held up to the pure white one.

Are all our thoughts and actions right and pure?  Are all our works done in love?  Do we always turn away from evil?

I cannot see into your heart and you cannot see into mine; only God can see hearts, and He has told us in His Word secrets about us that we cannot see from the outside.  Let's discover those secrets in our next post.


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