Enthusiasm For Jesus Christ

The danger in the modern form of Christianity is its departure more and more from the great central Figure of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“You shall be witnesses unto Me. Acts 1:8

These words of our Risen Lord were spoken just before His Ascension. 

  • We have to be careful 
  • lest we make the passionate watchwords—
  • “a passion for souls” and “a passion for Christ” into rival cries. 

The great passion which the Holy Ghost works in us, 

  • whereby He expresses the Redemption of our Lord in and through us in practical ways, 
  • is the passion for Jesus Christ Himself. 
“You shall be witnesses unto Me”—

  • not witnesses only to what Jesus has done or can do, 
  • but witnesses who are an infinite satisfaction to His own heart wherever they are placed. 

The Holy Spirit working in me does not produce wonderful experiences 
  • that make people say “What a wonderful life that man lives”; 
  • the Holy Spirit working in me 
  • makes me a passionate, devoted, absorbed lover of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
“Passion” is a wonderful word, 
  • it is all that we mean by passive suffering and magnificent patience, 
  • and spiritually, all that is meant by human passion 
  • is lifted to the white, intense, welding heat of enthusiasm for Jesus Christ. 
God grant that we may be possessed by the Holy Spirit in such fullness 
  • that we may be witnesses unto Jesus Christ.

Adapted Excerpt From
The Place of Help
Oswald Chambers


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