The Perfect King, an Unwelcome Fact, and Untroubled Sleep

“Your kingdom come” means: 

Rule us by your Word and Spirit in such a way 

that more and more we submit to you. 

Preserve your church and make it grow. 

Destroy the devil’s work; 

destroy every force which revolts against you 

and every conspiracy against your holy Word. 

Do this until your kingdom fully comes, 

when you will be 

all in all.

Question 123 The Heidelberg Catechism

In a world of wicked kings, the LORD is the perfect king. 

  • In a world of powerful rulers who fight against God’s people, the LORD is stronger. 
  • Even in a world where we want to be king, the LORD is the true king. 
  • This is a reason to rejoice, clap our hands, and sing songs of praise.

Excerpt From Our Only Comfort by Stephen C. Shaffer

The first thing to do in examining the power that dominates me is to take hold of the unwelcome fact that 

  • I am responsible for being thus dominated because I have yielded. 
  • If I am a slave to myself, I am to blame for it because at a point, away back, I yielded myself to myself. 
  • Likewise, if I obey God, I do so because I have yielded myself to Him.

Excerpt From Run Today's Race by Oswald Chambers

Now good night, and let the Lord give His beloved sleep untroubled by the unkind remarks of the enemy. 

  • Believe me, he is not at all trustworthy, and you well know your Lord is. 
  • Does He ever break His word? No, never, and He knows that you know it. 
  • “For Thou, Lord, hast never failed them that fear Thee.” 
  • No, nor ever will.

Excerpt From Candles in the Dark by Amy Carmichael


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