Flowers Gathered on the Fiery Fields of Pain

“Praying “hallowed be your name” is a way of saying we want the world to know the greatness, power, and goodness of God.”

Excerpt From Our Only Comfort by Stephen C. Shaffer

“I think often we miss much by not being simple enough. Don’t you think so? The little-child confidence is what He wants. It is true we are nothing, just nothing, but then He doesn’t love us because we are something. He has called you.”

Excerpt From Candles in the Dark byAmy Carmichael

“Love never fails". 1 Corinthians 13:8 “Love never fails”! What a wonderful phrase that is! but what a still more wonderful thing the reality of that love must be; 

  • greater than prophecy—that vast forth-telling of the mind and purpose of God; 
  • greater than the practical faith that can remove mountains; 
  • greater than philanthropic self-sacrifice; 
  • greater than the extraordinary gifts of emotions and ecstasies and all eloquence; 
  • and it is this love that is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.”

Excerpt From The Place of Help by Oswald Chambers

“They made His crown of thorns on that woeful day on Calvary, but He will be crowned with flowers one day. Perhaps some of them must be gathered on the fiery fields of pain.”

Excerpt From Rose from Brier by Amy Carmichael

“Heaven offers nothing that a mercenary soul can desire. It is safe to tell the pure in heart that they shall see God, for only the pure in heart want to. There are rewards that do not sully motives. 

  • A man’s love for a woman is not mercenary because he wants to marry her, 
  • nor his love for poetry mercenary because he wants to read it, 
  • nor his love of exercise less disinterested because he wants to run and leap and walk. 
  • Love, by definition, seeks to enjoy its object.”

Excerpt From A Year with C. S. Lewis by C. S. Lewis


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