Till I Am Never Thought of Again

In order to maintain friendship and loyalty to Christ, 

  • I need to be much more careful of my moral and vital relationship to Him than any other thing, even obedience. 
  • Sometimes there is nothing to obey, the only thing to do is to maintain my vital connection with Jesus Christ, 
  • to see that nothing interferes with my relationship to Him. 
Only at occasional times do I have to obey; 

  • when a crisis arises I have to find out what God’s will is, 
  • but the greater part of my life is not conscious obedience, 
  • but this maintained relationship. 

To have my eyes on successful service is one of the greatest snares to a Christian worker, 
  • for it has in it the peril of evading the soul’s concentration on Jesus Christ, 
  • and instead of being friends of the Bridegroom I become an antichrist in my domain, 
  • working against Him while I use His weapons; 
  • amateur providences with the jargon of Divine providence, 
  • and when the Bridegroom does speak I shall not hear His voice. 

Decreasing to the absolute effacing of the worker, 
  • till I am never thought of again, 
  • is the true result of devotion, 
  • and John says, That is my joy. 

Watch until I hear the Bridegroom’s voice in the life of a soul, 
  • never mind what havoc, what upset it brings, what crumblings of health. 
  • I can rejoice with divine hilarity over that soul 
  • because the Bridegroom’s voice has been heard.

Excerpt From
The Place of Help
Oswald Chambers


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