"Dead" Is an Awful Idea

Once you were dead, doomed forever because of your many sins.  Ephesians 2:1

Alive or Dead? 

  • This question deserves a thousand thoughts. 
  • Look at it carefully, and ponder it well. 
  • Search your own heart, 
  • and do not lay aside this question without solemn self-inquiry. 
  • Are you among the living or the dead?

First then let me tell you that we are all by nature spiritually dead.
  • "Dead” is a strong word, 
  • but it is not my own coining and invention. 
  • I did not choose it. 
  • The Holy Spirit taught Paul to write it down about the Ephesians: 
  • Once you were dead...Ephesians 2:1

The Lord Jesus Christ made use of it in the parable of the prodigal son: 
  • This my son was dead and is alive again (Luke 15: 24, 32). 
  • You will read it also in the First Epistle to Timothy: 
  • She that lives in pleasure is dead while she lives (1 Tm 5:6). 
  • Shall a mortal man be wise above that which is written? 
  • Must I not take heed to speak that which I find in the Bible, and neither less nor more

“Dead” is an awful idea, 
  • and one that man is most unwilling to receive. 
  • He does not like to admit the whole extent of his soul’s disease; 
  • he shuts his eyes to the real amount of his danger. 

Many will allow us to say that naturally most people are not quite what they ought to be: 
  • they are thoughtless, 
  • they are unsteady, 
  • they are giddy, 
  • they are wild, 
  • they are not serious enough.

But dead? Oh no! 
  • We must not mention it. 
  • It is going too far to say that. 
  • The idea is a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.

But what we like in Christianity is of very little consequence. 
  • The only question is, What is written? 
  • What saith the Lord? 
  • God’s thoughts are not man’s thoughts, and God’s words are not man’s words. 
  • God says of every living person who is not a real, thorough, genuine Christian, 
  • be he high or low, rich or poor, old or young—
  • he is spiritually dead.

Adapted Excerpt From
Alive or Dead?
J.C. Ryle


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