"The Cost of Having Loved You"

The socialist has a passion for souls, 

  • but as a saint my passion for souls is not for man’s sake primarily, 
  • but for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
  • This is the source of all evangelical missionary enterprise. 

The appeal is not to be put on the ground

  • that the lost are perishing without the knowledge of God; 
  • that appeal awakens a willful devotion which dissipates the energies of the life. 

But let me take back my hearer and myself to the Garden of Gethsemane, 
  • to the still midnight in the quiet wood, 
  • to the pale moon’s passionless gleam on each tree, 
  • and then in imagination again picture all prostrate on the ground, 
  • our King, Redeemer, God, 
  • Whose bloody sweat, like heavy dew, stains the sod, 

...and let the Holy Spirit ring through me and my hearer’s heart, 
  • “This is the cost of having loved you.”

And let me take my hearer and my own heart back to Calvary, 
  • to that “historic pole” of Time and Eternity, 
  • the Cross of Christ, 

...and then let the passion and power of the Holy Ghost 
  • so seize hold of heart and brain and imagination 
  • that the sacrifice is bound with cords unto the horns of the altar 
  • and the life is entirely at the disposal of God.

It is one thing to behold the haggard, starved, sin-stained, brokenhearted faces of men,
  • but that is not sufficient for Christian missionary enterprise. 
  • At the back of these faces must ever be seen the “Face marred more than any man’s,” 
  • until the passion of the whole world’s anguish that forced its way through His heart, 
  • may force its way through both our hearts too, 

...until we are His for ever, 
  • having drunk the cup of communion with His cross 
  • that shall identify us body, soul and spirit as Christ’s.
Adapted Excerpt from
The Place of Help
Oswald Chambers


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