Scaring Away the Prospective Bride

“He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

The most delicate mission on earth is to win souls for Jesus

  • without intruding on their affections and affinities and sympathies 
  • by our own personal fascination. 
  • There is neither discouragement nor self-absorbed humility in John’s statement, 
  • but the passionate realization of his position. 

As a Christian worker I am about the most sacred business, 

  • seeking to win souls to the Lord Jesus, 
  • ministering to the holy relationship of Bridegroom and bride. 
  • That is my business, 
  • and I must be watchful in case any mood or disposition of my own 
  • should give a false impression of the Bridegroom 
  • and scare away the prospective bride. 

I am here for His sake, 

  • and I have to take care not to damage His reputation. 
  • It may sometimes mean scaring a soul away from myself 
  • in order that Jesus Christ’s attraction may tell.

I must be jealously careful 
  • in case the impression given of my Lord in a public address is erased 
  • when I come into the homes of my hearers. 
  • As a beautiful saint I may be a hindrance because I do not present Jesus Christ, 
  • but only what He has done, 
  • and the impression is left—“What a fine character!” 
  • I am increasing all the time, not Jesus Christ.

Adapted Excerpt From

The Place of Help

Oswald Chambers


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