Reinstated to God in Every Particular

No un-holiness can ever stand before God, 

  • therefore if God is going to bring me into fellowship with Himself 
  • He has to reinstate me in every particular. 

Anything that belittles or obliterates the holiness of God 

  • by a false view of the love of God 
  • is untrue to the revelation given by Jesus Christ.

Isaiah went through the crisis of face-to-face contact with God 
  • and the effect of the vision of God’s holiness was to bring home to him 
  • that he was a man of unclean lips - 
  • the expression of his nature was deadly. 

He not only confesses his own sin 
  • but identifies himself with the sin of his people—
  • “and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips.”

My Lord said “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” 
  • But remember when it is that my speech reveals what is in my heart - 
  • when I am brought to a sudden crisis and the whole nature expresses itself. 

Like the majority, I am much too cunning to express what is in my heart 
  • until I am brought to a crisis, 
  • then the true state of my heart is out instantly. 
  • A crisis will always reveal the condition of my heart 
  • because it makes me express myself. 

The Spirit of God convicts me by focusing my mind on one particular point, 
  • there is never any vague sense of sin, 
  • and if I will yield to His conviction 
  • He will lead me down to the disposition of sin underneath. 

That is always the way God deals with me
  • when I am consciously in His presence.

Adapted Excerpt From

Notes on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel

Oswald Chambers


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