MAGA, CRT, and the Social Justice Movement: Presenting My Offering on the Altar That God Chooses

Am I putting the needs of mankind as the ground of my commitment and dedication? 

  • The amount of mistaken zeal and energy and passion and martyrdom thrown into work for God, 
  • that has to come under the category of self-indulgent, wasted devotion, 
  • whenever I choose the scene of my own worship, is appalling. 

God grant that I may accept the primary call of the saint, 

  • to do the will of my Lord, 
  • and the one vivid experience in my heart 
  • is personal, passionate devotion to Jesus Christ.

Paul actually says, “If I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing”. 

  • This is the place in which I can be easily deluded. 
  • If I choose to devote myself to martyrdom for a cause, 
  • I mistakenly think I have struck the profoundest secret of religion; 
  • whereas I have but exhibited the heroic spirit that is in all human beings, 
  • and have not begun to touch the great fundamental secret of spiritual Christianity,

...which is whole-hearted, absolute consecration of myself to Jesus, 

  • not to His cause, 
  • not to His “league of pity,” 
  • but to Himself personally. 

“For we preach not ourselves, 

  • but Christ Jesus as Lord, 
  • and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake,” 
  • as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 4:5. 

I am the servant of men, says Paul,

  • not primarily because their needs have arrested me, 
  • but because Jesus Christ is my Lord; 
  • not because I feel the loud and demanding needs of my age 
  • or any such sounding timbrel, 
  • but that the Lord Jesus Christ has saved and sanctified me 

...and now He is Lord of my life 

  • and makes me unconsciously the servant of other men, 
  • not for their sakes but for His own. 
  • This is the secret of presenting the burnt offering on the altar that God chooses.

Adapted Excerpt From
The Place of Help
Oswald Chambers


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