Delighting in His Provision

When once I see a soul in sight of the claims of Jesus, 

  • I know my influence has been in the right direction, 
  • and instead of putting out a hand to withhold the struggles, 
  • I should pray that they grow ten times stronger 
  • until no power on earth or in hell can ever hold that soul from Jesus Christ (cf. Luke 14:26). 

Beware of rejoicing in the wrong thing with a soul, 

  • but see that I rejoice at the right thing. 
  • The friend of the Bridegroom, which stands and hears Him, rejoices greatly 
  • because of the Bridegroom’s voice: 
  • this my joy therefore is fulfilled.

It is not sin that hinders, 
  • but my not living as a friend of the Bridegroom. 
  • Suppose I talk about depending on God and how wonderful it is, 
  • and then others see that in my own immediate concerns I do not depend on Him a bit, 
  • but on my own wits, makes them say, “Well, after all, it’s a big pretense, 
  • there is no Almighty Christ to depend on anywhere, 
  • it is all mere sentiment.” 
  • The impression left is that Jesus Christ is not real to me. 
  • “John indeed did no sign: but all things whatsoever John spoke of this Man were true” (John 10:41).

Adapted Excerpt From
The Place of Help
Oswald Chambers


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