Because They Have Got the Lord

Spiritual moods are as sensitive and delicate as the awakenings of early love; 

  • the most exquisite thing in the human soul 
  • is that early mood of the soul when it first falls in love with the Lord. 

By Christian courtesy to Jesus Christ, 
  • I should confirm the desire and love which has been awakened in souls wooed by my messages
  • until I see them consorts of Him Who is the chiefest among ten thousand, the altogether lovely One. 
  • It means no rest in intercession until the soul has long lost sight of the worker, 
  • he needs me no more because he has got the Lord. 

I am apt to interfere in lives

  • and produce fanatics instead of men and women devoted to Jesus 
  • because I have not been friends of the Bridegroom. 
  • I decoy them into my sect or my personal point of view 
  • instead of into His power. 

Like John the Baptist my joy is this—

  • At last they are to see the Bridegroom! 
  • “He must increase, but I must decrease”! 
  • It is said not in sadness but in joy.

As a watcher of souls for God 
  • I have to get them not so much out of sin and wrong as to see Jesus. 
  • If I become a necessity to a soul I have got out of God’s order, 
  • my great need as a worker is to be a friend of the Bridegroom. 

y goodness and purity ought never to attract attention to itself, 
  • it ought simply to be a magnet to draw others to Jesus; 
  • if it does not draw them to Him it is not holiness of the right order, 
  • it is an influence which will awaken inordinate affection 
  • and lead souls off into side issues. 

Over and over again I have the tendency to come in and prevent and say, 
  • This, or that, must not be, 
  • and instead of being friends of the Bridegroom I am a sympathizing snare, 
  • and the soul is not able to say, “He or she was a friend of the Bridegroom,” 
  • but, “He or she was a thief and stole my affections away from Jesus Christ 
  • and located them elsewhere, and so I lost the vision.”

Adapted Excerpt From
The Place of Help
Oswald Chambers


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