A God Who Is Bigger Than Any Experience

Who believes what we've heard and seen?  

  • Who would have thought God's saving power would look like this?  
  • Isaiah 53:1

The purpose of the vision is to enable me to see “the arm of the Lord” 

  • behind all circumstances. 
  • God never gives me the power to say “I see” 
  • until my character proves itself worthy of its purification. 

What hinders the purging of my perception 

  • is that I will build my faith on my experiences 
  • instead of on the God who gave me the experiences. 

My experience is the evidence of my faith, 

  • never the ground of it, 
  • and is meant to reveal to me a God who is bigger than any experience. 

Have I seen also the Lord, 

  • and do I know that He is holy?
I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, 
high and lifted up, 
and His train filled the temple.
Isaiah 6:1

Adapted Excerpt From
Notes on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel
Oswald Chambers


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