Resting My Heart in God's Judgement

I cannot judge myself by myself or by anyone else, 

  • there is always one fact more in everyone’s life that I do not know. 
  • I cannot put people into types, 
  • I am never at the balance of one another’s heredity; 
  • therefore the judgement cannot lie with me. 

God’s judgement is right and true

  • and I can rest my heart there. 
  • It is a great thing to notice the things I cannot answer just now, 
  • and to waive my judgement about them. 

Because I cannot explain a thing,

  • I cannot say there is nothing in it. 
  • There are dark and mysterious and perplexing things in life, 
  • but the prevailing authority at the back of all is a righteous authority, 
  • and I do not need to be unduly concerned. 

When I do find out the judgement of God, 

  • I shall be absolutely satisfied with it to the last degree, 
  • I won’t have another word to say—
  • “that You might be justified when You speak, and be clear when You judge.”

In the meantime 

  • God has something from which to clear His character when I see Him—
  • “and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.” 

There is no problem, no personal grief, no agony or distress 
  • (and God knows there are some fathomless agonies just now—
  • awful injustices and wrongs and evils and nobility all mixed up together) 
  • but will have an overwhelming explanation one day. 
If I will hang in to the fact 

  • that God is true and loving and just, 
  • every judgement He passes 
  • will find me in agreement with it finally.
  • I will say that God was perfectly right in all He allowed.
I said to myself, 
  • “In due season God will judge everyone, 
  • both good and bad, 
  • for all their deeds.”
  • Ecclesiastes 3:17

Adapted Excerpt From
Shade of His Hand
Oswald Chambers


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