Keeping My Joy

One of the great stirring truths of the Bible

  • is that if I look for justice from others I become a fool. 
  • In moral and spiritual life if I have a sense of injustice, 
  • I cease to be of value to my fellow men. 

Never should I waste my time looking for justice; 
  • if I do I will soon put myself in bandages and give way to self-pity. 
  • My business is to see that no one suffers from my injustice.

Whenever I think I have satisfied my ambition 
  • I may suddenly become a miserable tyrant and all my joy will go. 
  • “These things have I spoken unto you,” said Jesus, “that My joy may be in you”. 
  • What joy did Jesus have? 

He failed apparently in everything He came to do; 
  • all His disciples forsook Him, 
  • He was crucified, and yet He talked of His joy. 
  • The joy of Our Lord lay in doing what the Father sent Him to do. 

His purpose was not to succeed, 
  • but to fulfill the design of His coming—
  • “For I am come down from heaven not to do Mine own will, 
  • but the will of Him that sent Me”.

What is the real design of my creation? 
  • Solomon deals with every possible phase of life—
  • metaphysics, philosophy, religion, commercial prosperity, moral integrity 
  • not as guesswork, 
  • he had been through it all, 
  • no one has the wisdom of Solomon, 
  • and his verdict is that it all ends in disaster. 
That is the summing up of it all 
  • unless I see that my “chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him for ever,” 
  • and it takes a long while to get there. 
  • To put things on any other basis will end in disaster.
I also noticed that under the sun there is evil in the courtroom. 
Yes, even the courts of law are corrupt! 
Ecclesiastes 3:16 (NLT)

Adapted Excerpt From
Shade of His Hand
Oswald Chambers


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