Lessons Learned From 2+ Years in a Covid-19 World

I cannot bank on insurance, or speculations, or on any kind of calculation; 

  • I can bank on only one thing, 
  • that my interim of life may at any second be cut short; 
  • therefore my only confidence is to remain true to God.

The great care of the life, 
  • Jesus says, 
  • is to make the relationship to God the one care. 
  • Most of us are careful about everything saving that.

I have been put into a program 
  • that I have no say in, 
  • and I bungle my part by trying to be my own organizer.

These things—food, physical health, money, possessions, and the earth, 
  • must always have their place in the life of any man of God, 
  • and they either make men and women devils 
  • or make them what they should be. 

The man of God uses these things to express his relationship to God; 
  • whereas the man who does not know God 
  • tries to find his lasting good in the things themselves. 
  • The practical test of a man’s life in Time 
  • is how he lives in connection with these things.

The devastations of the covid crisis and the cultural and economic upheaval are appalling, 
  • but there are compensations, 
  • and one compensation will be that we shall be driven back to the elemental. 
Some problems will not be revived again, 
  • they are finished; 
  • but every man will have a totally new attitude to these things 
  • and a new reverence for them. 
  • They will have a hold now 
  • which the refinement of civilization had made us lose.

Seize life! 
  • Eat bread with gusto,
  • Drink wine with a robust heart.
  • Oh yes—God takes pleasure in your pleasure!

Dress festively every morning.
  • Don’t skimp on colors and scarves.
  • Relish life with the spouse you love
  • Each and every day of your precarious life.

Each day is God’s gift. 
  • It’s all you get in exchange
  • For the hard work of staying alive.
  • Make the most of each one!
  • Whatever turns up, grab it and do it. And heartily!

This is your last and only chance at it,
  • For there’s neither work to do nor thoughts to think
  • In the company of the dead, where you’re most certainly headed.
  • Ecclesiastes 9:7-10 The Message Eugene H. Peterson
Adapted Excerpt From
Shade of His Hand
Oswald Chambers


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