A Cause for Boldness

I must continually hold on to the fact 

  • that professing or confessing is a repeating of and an answer 
  • to what God has said. 

Only in this way can I confess that I belong to Jesus Christ. 

  • This confession can never be a conclusion based on 
  • what I feel I have experienced in belonging to Christ. 

For experience is always the fruit of faith and not its foundation; 
  • thus the experience of union with Christ 
  • is a result of the faith of that belonging. 
  • Such faith needs to find its foundation in something else. 

With the confession that I belong to Jesus Christ, 
  • I am subservient to God’s Word. 
  • God has said in His Word that I belong to Him 
  • and sealed this to me through baptism 
  • In my faithful profession I merely echo the Word of God. 

My confession that I belong to Jesus Christ,
  • finds therefore its basis exclusively in God’s Word. 
  • This profession is also a deed of obedience. 
  • I may profess this because I must profess it. 
  • My boldness in this continually finds its origin and cause 
  • in the demand of the Word of God.
Adapted Excerpt from
The True Faith
S.G. DeGraaf


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