Part 2: Simply Go to God About It

People will get everything they ask for from life, 

  • because they do not ask for anything their will isn’t in. 
  • If I ask wealth from life, I will get wealth—
  • or I was playing the fool when I asked. 
  • Denali National Park, Alaska
“If you abide in Me,” Jesus says, 

  • “and My words abide in you, 
  • you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” ( John 15:7). 
  • Sometimes I pray pious chatter—
  • my will is not in it, and then I say God does not answer. 
  • But I never asked Him for anything. 
  • Asking means that my will is in what I ask.
  • American Samoa National Park

I say, “But I asked God to turn my life into a garden of the Lord, 
  • and there came the plow of sorrow. 
  • Instead of a garden, I have been given a wilderness.” 
  • Remember that God never gives a wrong answer. 
  • Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
My natural life had to be turned into plowed soil... 

  • before God could turn it into His own garden. 
  • He will put the seed in now. 
  • Let God’s seasons come over my soul, 
  • and before long my life will be a garden of the Lord.
  • Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas
I need to discern that God even controls my asking.
  • We bring in what the apostle Paul calls “will worship” (Colossians 2:23 KJV). 
  • Will is the whole individual active; 
  • there are terrific forces in the will. 
  • Yosemite National Park, California
The person who gains a moral victory by sheer force of will 
  • is the most difficult person to deal with afterwards. 
  • The profound thing in people is not sin, 
  • but their will. 
  • Will is the essential element in God’s creation of humans; 
  • sin is a perverse disposition which entered into them.
  • Redwood National Forest, California
At its basis, the human will is one with God, 
  • but it is covered up with all kinds of desires and motives. 
  • When I preach Jesus Christ, 
  • the Holy Spirit excavates down to the basis of the will 
  • and the will turns to God every time. 
  • Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
I try to attack people’s wills; 
  • if I lift up Jesus, He will push straight to the will. 
  • When Jesus talked about prayer He never said, 
  • “If the human will turns in that direction . . .” 
  • He put it with the grand simplicity of a child—ask. 
  • Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida

I bring in my reasoning faculties and say, 
  • “Yes, but . . .” 
  • Jesus says, “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, 
  • you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.”
  • Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii

Adapted Excerpt From
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount
Oswald Chambers

Photos From The Best Checklist of National Parks By State: Left-Indiana Dunes National Park, Indiana


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