Myself: I, Me, Mine

Individuality is a smaller term than personality. 

  • We speak of an individual animal, an individual person, an individual thing. 
  • An individual person is one by himself, 
  • he takes up so much space, 
  • requires so many cubic feet of air, and so forth.
  • Photo: L'Alchimiste - Paris Coffee Shop

Personality is infinitely more. 
  • Possibly the best illustration we can use is that of a lamp. 
  • A lamp unlit will illustrate individuality; 
  • a lighted lamp will illustrate personality. 
  • The lighted lamp takes up no more room, 
  • but the light permeates far and wide; 
  • so the influence of personality goes far beyond that of individuality. 
  • Photo: Paper & Cup - London coffee shop

“You are the light of the world,” said our Lord.
  • Individually I do not take up much room, 
  • but my influence is far beyond my calculation. 
  • When we use the term personality, 
  • we use the biggest mental conception we have; 
  • Photo: The Greens - Berlin coffee shop
...that is why we call God a Person, 
  • because the word person has the biggest import we know. 
  • I do not call God an individual,
  • I call God a Person. 
  • He may be a great deal more, but at least He must be that. 
  • Photo: Fragments - Paris coffee shop 
It is necessary to remember this... 
  • when the personality of God is denied 
  • and He is taken to be a tendency. 
  • If God is only a tendency, He is much less than I am. 
  • Human personality is always too big for me. 
  • When I come to examine and trace the Bible teaching 
  • I shall find that I am much too complex to understand myself.
  • Photo: The Milkman - Edinburgh coffee shop
Another illustration of personality, more often used, is the following: 
  • an island may be easily explored, 
  • yet how amazed we are when we realize that it is the top of a mountain, 
  • whose greater part is hidden under the waves of the sea 
  • and goes sheer down to deeper depths than we can fathom. 
  • Photo: Tatte - coffee shop in Boston

The little island represents the conscious personality. 
  • The part of myself of which I am conscious is a very tiny part, 
  • there is a greater part underneath about which I know nothing; 
  • consequently there are upheavals from beneath that I cannot account for.
  • Photo: Bakeri - coffee shop in Brooklyn 

I cannot grasp myself at all. 
  • I begin by thinking I can, 
  • but I have to come to the biblical standpoint that no one knows himself; 
  • the only One who knows him is God. 
  • “There is a way that seems right to a man, 
  • but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 16:25).
  • Photo: Sub Rosa Bakery - coffee shop in Richmond, Virginia

Individuality, then, is a smaller term than personality. 
  • Personality means that peculiar, incalculable being that is meant 
  • when I speak of me as distinct from everybody else. 
  • I might say, “Oh, I cannot understand myself”; of course I can’t! 
  • “Nobody else understands me”; of course they don’t! 
  • There is only one Being who understands me, 
  • and that is my Creator.
  • Photo: Boot Cafe - coffee shop in Paris

Adapted Excerpt From
Biblical Psychology
Oswald Chambers


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