I, the Ego


  • is a conceited insistence on my own particular ways and manners and customs. 
  • It is an easily discernible characteristic, 
  • and fortunately is condemned straightway by right-thinking people. 
  • We are inclined to overlook egotism in young people and in ignorant people, 
  • but even in them it is of the detestable, vicious order.
  • Photo: Snowy Shopfronts - Freemans in NYC

Of egoism... 
  • only good things can be said. 
  • It is that system of thinking 
  • which makes the human personality the center.
  • Photo: Snowy Shopfronts - Butler Bake Shop in Brooklyn 

The thinking that starts from all kinds of abstractions... 
  • is contrary to the Bible. 
  • The biblical way of thinking brings me 
  • right straight down to people as the center. 
  • That which puts people right and keeps people right 
  • is the revelation I have in God’s Book. 
  • Photo: Snowy Shopfronts in Washington D.C.

For instance, 

  • the teaching of my Lord and of the apostle Paul 
  • continually centers around “I,” 
  • yet there is no egotism about it; it is egoism. 
  • Photo: Snowy Shopfronts - Three Lives & Co. in NYC

Everything in the Bible... 
  • is related to the person, 
  • to my salvation, 
  • to my sanctification, 
  • to my keeping, and so forth. 
  • Any system of thinking which has the person for its center 
  • and as its aim and purpose is rightly called egoism.
  • Photo: Snowy Shopfronts - The Golden Rule in Excelsior, Minnesota

Adapted Excerpt From
Biblical Psychology
Oswald Chambers


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