God's Search Warrant: The Path of Peace

There are possibilities below the doorway of my life... 

  • which no one but God knows. 
  • Jesus Christ brought His disciples through crises 
  • in order to reveal to them 
  • that they were much too big to understand themselves; 
  • there were forces within them which would play havoc 
  • with every resolution they made. 

“Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults"“(Psalm 19:12). 
  • This verse is simply a type of the revelation running all through God’s Book. 
  • I cannot understand myself, 
  • I do not know the beginnings of my dreams or of my motives; 
  • I do not know my secret errors, they lie below the region I can get at.

I am unexplainable, but I am so built that I must introspect -
  • examine my thoughts or feelings.
  • Introspection without God leads to insanity. 
  • I do not know the springs of my thinking, 
  • I do not know by what I am influenced, 
  • I do not know all the scenery psychically that Jesus Christ looked at. 

My Lord continually saw things and beings I do not see. 
  • He talked about Satan and demons and angels. 
  • I don’t see Satan or demons or angels, 
  • but Jesus Christ unquestionably did, 
  • and He sees their influence upon me. 

The people with no tendency to introspect...
  • are those described in the New Testament 
  • as “dead in trespasses and sins” (Ephesians 2:1), 
  • they are quite happy, quite contented, quite moral, 
  • all they want is easily within their grasp, 
  • everything is all right with them; 

...but they are dead to the world... 
  • to which Jesus Christ belongs, 
  • and it takes His voice 
  • and His Spirit to awaken them.

Every person is judged before God as an individual being; 
  • what he has done he alone is responsible for.
  • Sin is a disposition, 
  • and I am in no way responsible for having the disposition of sin; 
  • but I am responsible for not allowing God to deliver me 
  • from the disposition of sin when I see that that is what Jesus Christ came to do.

The atonement has made provision for what I am not responsible for, 
  • that is, the disposition of sin. 
  • John 3:19 sums it up: “This is the condemnation” (the crisis, the critical moment), 
  • “that the light has come into the world, 
  • and men loved darkness rather than light, 
  • because their deeds were evil.” 

What is light? 
  • Jesus says, “I am the light of the world” ( John 8:12) 
  • and He also said, “If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, 
  • how great is that darkness!”(Matthew 6:23). 
  • Darkness is my own point of view.

In regeneration God works below the door of my consciousness; 
  • all I am conscious of is a sudden burst up into my conscious life, 
  • but as to when God begins to work no one can tell. 

This emphasizes the importance of intercessory prayer.
  • A mother, a husband, a wife, or a Christian worker praying for another soul 
  • has a clear indication that God has answered his or her prayer; 
  • outwardly the one prayed for is just the same, 
  • there is no difference in his conduct, 
  • but the prayer is answered. 

The work is unconscious as yet, 
  • but at any second it may burst forth into conscious life. 
  • I cannot calculate where God begins to work 
  • any more than I can say when it is going to become conscious; 
  • that is why I have to pray in reliance on the Holy Spirit. 

The path of peace for me is to hand myself over to God 
  • and ask Him to search me, 
  • not what I think I am, 
  • or what other people think I am, 
  • or what I persuade myself I am or would like to be, 
  • “Search me out, O God, explore me as I really am in Your sight.”

Adapted Excerpt From
Biblical Psychology
Oswald Chambers

Photos from Arcane Fibre Works


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