Bank On Him

True enjoyment is not in what I do... 

  • but in my relationships. 
  • If a man is true to God, 
  • everything between birth and death will work out on the line of joy. 
If I bank on what I do, 
  • whether it is good or bad, 
  • I am off the track; 
  • the one thing that matters is personal relationship.

What, then, am I to do in my ordinary active life? 
  • It is not a question of making it easy 
  • for those who come after me, 
  • but of what I am to do 
  • in the spell between birth and death.

According to My Lord’s teaching, 
  • I have to base my life on my relationship to God 
  • and live according to that relationship 
  • with the simple gaiety of a child.

If I apply the Sermon on the Mount... 
  • to my ideas of individual and national life
  • I shall find how I ignore what My Lord teaches. 
  • Wherever Christianity comes straight home to me, 
  • I ignore it; 
  • when it gets at others, I preach it for all I am worth.

The general history of Christianity is that it has been tried... 
  • and abandoned 
  • because it is found to be difficult; 
  • but wherever it has been tried and honorably gone on with, 
  • it has never failed.

When I study Hebrew wisdom... 
  • I see how terrifically far we have degenerated away from God 
  • and from confidence in God. 
  • Nowadays the almighty microbe has blotted God out of His heaven.

When I come to the “soup” I am in just now, 
  • the catastrophic earthquake that is blasting the whole globe to bits, 
  • all I can do is to put on bandages 
  • and borrow opportunist exploitive phrases. 

According to Hebrew Wisdom, 

  • the thing to do is to bank on my faith in God, 
  • and where my duty lies do it with courage 
  • “and damn the consequences.”

When in doubt physically, dare; 
  • when in moral doubt, stop; 
  • when in spiritual doubt, pray; 
  • and when in personal doubt, 
  • be guided by my life with God. 

Base all on God, 
  • and slowly and surely the actual life will be educated 
  • along the particular line of my relationship to Him.

So I made up my mind...
  • that there’s nothing better for us men and women 
  • than to have a good time in whatever we do—that’s our lot. 
  • Who knows if there’s anything else to life?
  • Ecclesiastes 3:22 The Message
Adapted Excerpt From
Shade of His Hand
Oswald Chambers


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