Solomon's Porch:The Haphazard Order of Things

One great essential lesson in Christianity is... 

  • that God’s order comes to us in the haphazard. 
  • We are men and women, we have appetites, we have to live on this earth, and things do happen by chance; 
  • what is the use of saying they do not? 
  • “One of the most immutable things on earth is mutability.” 
  • Your life and mine is a bundle of chance. 

It is absurd to say it is fore-ordained... 
  • for you to have so many buttons on your tunic, 
  • and if that is not fore-ordained, then nothing is. 
  • If things were fore-ordained, there would be no sense of responsibility at all. 
A false spirituality... 
  • makes us look to God to perform a miracle instead of doing our duty. 
  • We have to see that we do our duty in faith in God.
  • Jesus Christ undertakes to do everything a man cannot do, 
  • but not what a man can do. 
Things do happen by chance... 
  • and if we know God, we recognize that His order comes to us in that way. 
  • We live in this haphazard order of things, 
  • and we have to maintain the abiding order of God in it. 

The doctrine of the Sacrament ...
  • teaches the conveying of God’s presence to us 
  • through the common elements of bread and wine. 
  • We are not to seek success or prosperity. 
  • If we can get hold of our relationship to God in eating and drinking, 
  • we are on the right basis of things.

Adapted Excerpt From
Shade of His Hand
Oswald Chambers


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