Solomon's Porch: The "Soup" We Are In Just Now

There is a difference... 

  • between God’s order and God’s permissive will. 
  • We say that God will see us through if we trust Him—“I prayed for my boy, and he was spared in answer to my prayer.” 
  • Does that mean that the man who was killed was not prayed for, or that prayers for him were not answered? 
  • It is wrong to say that in the one case the man was delivered by prayer but not in the other. 
  • It is a misunderstanding of what Jesus Christ reveals.

Prayer alters a man on the inside,...
  • alters his mind and his attitude to things. 
  • The point of praying is not that we get things from God, 
  • but that we learn by prayer to detect the difference 
  • between God’s order and God’s permissive will. 
God’s order is—
  • no pain, no sickness, 
  • no devil, no war, no sin: 

His permissive will is... 
  • all these things, 
  • the “soup” we are in just now. 
What a man needs to do... 
  • is to get hold of God’s order in the kingdom on the inside, 
  • and then he will begin to see 
  • how to handle the riddle of the universe on the outside.
The problem of the man who deals with practical things... 
  • is not the problem of the universe, 
  • but the problem within his own breast. 
  • When I can see where the beast in me will end 
  • and where the wise man in me will end; 
When I have discovered... 
  • that the only thing that will last 
  • is a personal relationship to God; 
  • then it will be time for me to solve the problems round about me. 

When once a man begins to know... 
  • “the plague of his own heart,” 
  • it knocks the metaphysics out of him. 
  • It is in the actual circumstances of my life 
  • that I have to find out whether the wisdom of worshipping God 
  • can steer me.
  • Solomon says nothing else can.

Excerpt From
Shade of His Hand
Oswald Chambers


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