Solomon's Porch: "Hang In There"

Whenever we put theology or a plan of salvation or any line of explanation...

  • before a man’s personal relationship to God, 
  • we depart from the Bible line, 
  • because religion in the Bible is not faith in the rule of God, 
  • but faith in the God Who rules. 

If we put our faith in a credal exposition of God... 
  • and our creed goes to the winds, as, our faith will go too. 
  • The only thing to do is to “hang in” in confidence in God. 
  • “Then will I go . . . unto God, my exceeding joy.” 
The thing that really sustains is not that we feel happy in God, 
  • but that God’s joy is our energy, 
  • and that when we get out of this “shell” we shall find an explanation 
  • that will justify our faith in Him.
We cannot think beyond the limits of birth and death; 
  • if we are to know anything beyond them, it must be by revelation. 
  • Jesus Christ said: “Let not your heart be troubled”—
  • “My business is with the Hereafter.” 
  • Our business is to live a godly life in the present order of things, 
  • and not to push out beyond the durations God has placed as limits.
Within the limits of birth and death I can do as I like; 
  • but I cannot make myself un-born, neither can I escape death, 
  • those two limits are there. 
  • I have nothing to do with placing the limits, 
  • but within them I can produce what my disposition chooses. 
  • Whether I have a distressful time or a joyful time 
  • depends on what I do in between the limits of the durations.

For by Him were all things created” (Colossians 1:16). 
  • Did Jesus Christ then create sin? 
  • Sin is not a creation, 
  • sin is a relationship set up in time between the creation called man and the being who became the devil, 
  • whereby man took the rule over himself. 
  • My claim to my right to myself—that is the disposition of sin.
The Bible reveals that God holds a man responsible for acts of sin he commits, 
  • but not for the disposition of sin that he has inherited (see Romans 5:12). 
  • God Himself has deliberately accepted the responsibility for sin, 
  • and the proof that He has done so is the Cross of Jesus Christ.

In dealing with practical life...
  • we find the fundament of tragedy underlying everything. 
  • Fatalism means I am the sport of a force about which I know nothing; 
  • faith is trust in a God Whose ways I do not know, 
  • but Whose character I do know. 
The Bible point of view is that God is ruling and reigning, 
  • and that His character is holy. 
  • Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him”—
  • that is the final heroism of a man’s relationship to God.

Adapted Excerpt From
Shade of His Hand
Oswald Chambers


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