Solomon's Porch: Never Wearied or Cynical

The reason most of us are not pessimistic... 

  • is either that we are religious or we have a temperament that is optimistic. 
  • The basis of life is tragic, 
  • and the only way out is by a personal relationship to God on the ground of Redemption. 
  • Solomon deliberately revolted against everything 
  • and found there was no satisfaction in anything he tried.
It is no use... 
  • trying to find true joy in being either a fool or a wise man. 
  • Solomon drives us back every time to the one thing, 
  • that a man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him for ever. 
Today there is a revolt...
  • against the Wisdom of the Hebrews and the wisdom expressed in the New Testament. 
  • We don’t think on the Bible lines, 
  • consequently we talk the most ridiculous platitudes. 

It is absurd to be an ostrich...
  • Solomon would not allow himself to be one, 
  • neither will the man who sees life fair and square as it is to-day.
The only way we can enjoy our “tree of life”... 
  • is by fulfilling the purpose of our creation. 
  • Jesus Christ prayed “that they may have My joy fulfilled in themselves.” 

The thing that kept Jesus Christ all through... 
  • was not that He held aloof from actual things, 
  • but that He had a kingdom within. 
  • He so did not hold aloof that when men saw Him 
  • they said, “Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!” 
Our Lord’s whole life... 
  • was rooted and grounded in God, 
  • consequently He was never wearied or cynical.

Adapted Excerpts From
Shade of His Hand
Oswald Chambers


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