Notes on Isaiah: Let the Onslaught of Tyranny Do Its Worst

The rulers of the people 

  • are the expression of the life and ambition of the people. 
  • We fix on the mountain-peak characters and say they are to blame, 
  • but God holds the people themselves responsible also. 
  • The people are never exonerated for having bad rulers; 
  • the reason they have bad rulers is that they are bad people. 
Those who rule the people do not autocratically crush them, 

  • the people are their inspirers; 
  • they are the rulers the people deserve. 
The children of God 

  • have to vicariously take on themselves
  • the suffering under the providential order of tyranny.
  • They are right in the midst of it all, 
  • yet they are to stand like a rock, 
  • perfectly confident in God, 
  • and let the onslaught of tyranny do its worst.

The paralyzing effect of the last few years of confusion and cultural upheaval... 
  • can make people lose their faith in God. 
  • God has found our church leaders wanting, 
  • He has found His people wanting. 

So He gathers together the remnant that stands true, 
  • and the hope persistently crops up, 
  • born in us by the Spirit of God, 
  • that what God has shown in His Word will yet be fulfilled, 
  • and the church will be one with God.
Fear is apt to make us atheistic 
  • and in our outlook we enthrone the devil, not God. 
  • God is behind it all, not a thing happens but He knows all about it. 
When the tyrannizers crow 
  • and think they have the right by their own power, 
  • suddenly the message of God comes—
  • Wherefore it shall come to pass, 
  • that when the Lord hath performed His whole work upon the earth, 
  • He will punish the fruit of the stout hearts of the wicked rulers, 
  • and the glory of their high looks . . .(Adaptation of Isaiah 10:12).

Adapted Excerpt From
Notes on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel
Oswald Chambers


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