Solomon's Porch:In the Passing Minute

The way I eat and drink will show... 

  • who I regard as my master. 
  • Do I regard the restraining wisdom in me as master, 
  • or do I regard God as Master? 

The note of false Christianity is abstinence...

  • from marriage and from meats—
  • Live away up on the mount, 
  • that is, do what no human being can do. 
  • If a man cannot prove his religion in the valley, 
  • it is not worth anything. 
Beware of a religion... 
  • which makes you neglect the basis of your ordinary life. 
  • If you can be a beast, you can also be a son of God. 
  • “The Son of man came eating and drinking. . . .” 
  • “Have you here any meat? . . . And He took it, and did eat before them.” 
When once a man has learned to get at God’s order in the passing minute...
  • and to know that his prevailing Master is God, 
  • then he is on the right track. 
  • Every other basis ends in disaster.

Adapted Excerpt From

Shade of His Hand

Oswald Chambers


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