Notes on Isaiah: Disillusioned to Stand

If you will let the Spirit of God bring you...

  • face to face with God 
  • you shall hear the still, small voice of God, 
  • and in perfect freedom say, “Here am I; send me.

Have you been disillusioned about yourself ...
  • and about the people of God? 
  • When there is not a single prop left; 
  • we come nearest to the attitude of Jesus Christ 
  • who would not commit Himself to men because “He knew what was in man."

When once you have had the vision of God, or the experience of sanctification...
  • you will be put into places where everything is as unlike God as the world, the flesh and the devil can make it, 
  • and you have to be there not to criticize, 
  • but to stand true to God in the center of it all, 
  • and be crushed by the things that are not of God. 
After God has given us a time of face-to-face contact with Himself... 
  • and then puts us into tumults, 
  • the temptation is to sit down and say “Where is the blessedness I had when first I knew the Lord?” 
  • The Spirit of God holds us steady until we learn to know God, 
  • and the details of our lives are established before Him, 
  • then nothing on the outside can move us. 
God can rely on the man or woman... 
  • to whom He has given the vision of Himself. 
  • Some of us are rushing on at such a headlong pace in Christian organization, 
  • we want to vindicate God’s character in a great revival, 
  • but if God did give us a revival we would be the first to forget Him 
  • and swing off on some false fire. 
  • When once we know Him we can stand wherever He puts us.
Adapted Excerpt From
Notes on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel
Oswald Chambers


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