"Our Father Who Is in Heaven": Set Free Forever

Too many of us are far too vague... 

  • in our ideas about spiritual realities. 
  • If God is in heaven, then we ought to know something about heaven. 
  • If He is our Father and heaven is His natural environment, 
  • we should understand what that realm is really like.

...our lifelong conditioning... 
  • to an earthly existence, 
  • wherein our capacity to grasp or understand heavenly things 
  • is exceedingly limited.
We are so engulfed and surrounded...
  • by the sordid conditions of our own existence on earth, 
  • we can scarcely imagine being set free into a fresh, dynamic dimension of living,
  • totally divorced from all that we know here.
Heaven is our Father’s native environment. 
  • This is His natural abode. 
  • This is His home, 
  • which He wants to share with us.
In heaven we are set free... 
  • from the assaults of our arch-enemy Satan.  
  • In heaven the child of God no longer contends with the subtle insinuations and dark deceptions which the devil devises.  
  • His temptations and deceitful tactics are no more.  
  • What a glorious relief!  
  • Our doubting days are done.  
  • Our temptations are past.

In Heaven we are released...
  • from the strain of separation.
  • We live in a world where the parting of ways and leave-taking of loved ones always wrenches the heart and strains the emotions.
  • But in heaven we are in an atmosphere of quiet contentment.
  • We are finally home.
  • Our restless spirits are at rest -
  • they have found their abode in God.
To Be Continued...

Adapted Excerpt from A Layman Looks at the Lord's Prayer
By W. Phillip Keller


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