The Doorway Into Our Father's Home

In heaven, we shall be free... 

  • from tears of anguish, despair, and frustration. 
  • carries with it more pain than pleasure. 
  • For many of God’s children, the most bitter tears are those shed inwardly or alone 
  • where no one else sees the agony of our spirits. 
  • What a delightful deliverance to be free of such anguished moments!

In heaven there is no more death.  
  • Because of the power of our Father's eternal presence...
  • and because of what Christ accomplished at Calvary, 
  • death cannot exist.  
  • For us who know God as our Father... 
  • death is but the doorway into His home.  
Still, death hovers on the horizon of many lives.  
  • In our natural human condition we are still bound to ask, "How will it come?  Where?  When?"  
  • Most of us would prefer to pass on quietly into Christ's presence in our sleep. 
  • Most of us shrink from the dread thought... 
  • of painful accidents or long and lingering disease prior to death.  
  • But in heaven, we will be free from this foreboding.
We shall enjoy total deliverance... 
  • from the sorrow that is occasioned by regrets and remorse. 
  • At our best, we are bound to have made some grievous errors. 
  • We have entertained wrong attitudes, spoken unkind words, 
  • harbored selfish motives, 
  • and indulged in wrongful acts. 

Out of all this, there flows a muddied stream of remorse and sorrow. 
  • Yet, in heaven what a joy to know that we are fully forgiven, 
  • that we are free of folly and sorrow of spirit. 
  • Instead we shall be in a dimension of deep delight, 
  • free from the guilt and regret of our life’s misdeeds.
To Be Continued...

Adapted Excerpt From
A Layman Looks at the Lord's Prayer
W. Phillip Keller


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