Seeing God

Am I pure in heart?
  • Are my motives pure? my thinking not double-minded?
  • Have I laid down other allegiances and affections that I have cherished more than Jesus?
  • Do I have a single-minded devotion to Jesus Christ?
You’re blessed... 

  • when you get your inside world—
  • your mind and heart—put right. 
  • Then you can see God in the outside world.

The Message Eugene H. Peterson

God blesses... 

  • those whose hearts are pure,
  • for they will see God.
Matthew 5:8

We are not called to apply the Beatitudes literally,
  • but to allow the life of God to invade us by regeneration, 
  • and then to soak our minds in the teaching of Jesus Christ. 
  • This teaching will slip down into the subconscious mind, 
  • and at some point, circumstances will arise in which one of Jesus Christ’s statements emerges. 
  • Instantly, we must decide whether we will accept the tremendous spiritual revolution that will be produced if we obey this precept of His.
Studies in the Sermon on the Mount
Oswald Chambers


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