"Our Father": If We Are to Fully Grasp

Far, far too often... 

  • we ascribe to God in heaven 
  • all the weaknesses, idiosyncrasies, failings, and inconsistencies 
  • of our very unpredictable human fathers.
None of this... 
  • was in the mind of Christ 
  • when He spoke so sincerely of God as His Father.
His view of God... 
  • was not conditioned by His childhood relationship to Joseph... 
  • but by His own personal identity with God the Father 
  • throughout eons of eternity.
If we are to appreciate fully the kind of person God is...
  • if we are to grasp His essential love and goodness, 
  • the wonder of His awesomeness...
  • then we must see Him as Christ saw Him.
If we are to fully grasp... 
  • Christ's innermost thoughts and concepts of God as Father, 
  • we must, of necessity, pay careful attention to what He said about Him, 
  • as well as observe how Christ conducted Himself before His Father.
We come freely... 
  • because He has invited us to come, 
  • with an open-handed, 
  • great-hearted welcome.

But we can come and receive that welcome... 
  • only through true repentance toward God 
  • and faith in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, as our Savior.
Adapted Excerpt from A Layman Looks at the Lord's Prayer
By Phillip Keller


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