Not Ready to Die

I fear for you in your present state.  

  • My heart's desire and prayer is that God may make you fear for yourself.  
  • -J.C. Ryle

They are led captive by Satan...

  • at his will in the most quiescent manner (marked by inactivity or repose tranquilly at rest).
  • -David Brainerd, North America.

Oh that the Lord would pour out upon them...

  • a spirit of deep concern for their souls!
  • -Henry Martyn, India.

I ask you earnestly to pray...

  • that the Gospel may take saving and working effect.
  • -James Gilmour, Mongolia.

Adapted Excerpt From Things as They Are

Amy Carmichael

There are many people... 

  • who, if Bible words mean anything...
  • have not yet been converted and born again. 
  • They are not justified. They are not sanctified. They have not the Spirit. 
  • They have no faith. They have no grace. Their sins are not forgiven. 
  • Their hearts are not changed. 

  • Reader, are you one of them?
They are not ready to die. 

  • They are not meet for heaven. 
  • They are neither godly, nor righteous, nor saints. 
  • If they are, Bible words mean nothing at all.

  • Reader, are you one of them?
I beg you in all affection to break off your sins,—

  • to repent and be converted. 
  • I beg you to change your course,—
  • to turn from your present carelessness about your soul, 
  • and become a new man. 

I offer to you through Jesus Christ ...

  • the forgiveness of all past sins,—
  • free and complete forgiveness,—
  • ready, present, everlasting forgiveness. 
  • I tell you in my Master’s name, 
  • that if you will turn to the Lord Jesus Christ, 
  • this forgiveness shall at once be your own. 

Oh! do not refuse so gracious an invitation. 

  • Do not hear of Christ dying for you,—Christ shedding His own blood for you,—Christ stretching out His hands to you, 
  • and yet remain unmoved. 
  • Do not love this poor perishing world better than eternal life. 
Dare to be bold and decided. 
  • Resolve to come out from the broad way which leads to destruction. 
  • Arise and escape for your life, while it is called to-day. 
  • Repent, believe, pray, and be saved.

Adapted Excerpt From Startling Questions

J. C. Ryle


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