More, Not Less

We know not what we shall be; 

  • but we may be sure we shall be more, not less, than we were on earth. 
  • Our natural experiences (sensory emotional, imaginative) are only like the drawing, 
  • like pencilled lines on flat paper. 
If they vanish in the risen life, 

  • they will vanish only as pencil lines vanish from the real landscape, 
  • not as a candle flame that is put out 
  • but as a candle flame which becomes invisible 
  • because someone has pulled up the blind, thrown open the shutters, 
  • and let in the blaze of the risen sun.

Adapted Excerpt From A Year with C. S. Lewis  


  • Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, 
  • for I have put my trust in you. (Psalm 143:8a NIV)

...when a believer sees the wonderful things God has created, 
  • he enjoys it more than an unbeliever can, 
  • because he sees something of God in it. 
  • I know the Person who made this, he thinks when he watches a beautiful sunset. 
  • And that Person is truly amazing!
Adapted Excerpt From
God's Mighty Acts in Creation
Starr Meade

The great need is not to do things, 
  • but to believe things. 
  • The Redemption of Christ is not an experience, 
  • it is the great act of God 
  • which He has performed through Christ, 
  • and I have to build my faith upon it.
Adapted Excerpt From
Run Today's Race
Oswald Chambers

Every memory.. 
  • can become fodder for thanksgiving as we praise God 
  • for how He has blessed or delivered or taught us His lessons. 
  • The temperature of our spiritual health is measured 
  • on the thermometer of thanksgiving.
Adapted Excerpt From
All to Jesus
Robert J. Morgan


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