Coming Home to Welcoming Arms

Christ also assures us...

  • that there is no crying in this wondrous realm—
  • crying in the sense of a soul in search of truth, 
  • crying in the way that our hearts cry out for God. 
  • All of this will be gone. 
For in heaven...

  • the questing soul has at last come home... 
  • to find our Father there waiting to welcome us, 
  • as always, with open arms.
In heaven...
  • there is deliverance from pain.  
  • Surely it is wondrous enough... 
  • to anticipate freedom from bodily, physical suffering.  
  • But how much more is the boundless pleasure of release... 
  • from mental anguish and spiritual agony?  
  • Those conditions which plague our days... 
  • and make of our nights a nightmare will have no place there.  
It scarcely seems possible...
  • especially for those of us who, 
  • down through the long years of life's journey, 
  • have endured suffering of all sorts, 
  • including the agony of watching others, 
  • whom we love, 
  • grapple with the tyranny of pain.
All of this leaves us... 
  • a bit breathless and amazed.  
  • Humanly, we cannot possibly imagine... 
  • such a state of blessed relief.  
  • But we are given our Father's quiet assurance that this is what heaven is like.  
  • We scarce can take it in.  

Yet at this point... 
  • we are still only part of the way through heaven's wonders.
To Be Continued...

Adapted Excerpt from
A Layman Looks at the Lord's Prayer
W. Phillip Keller


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