God's Over-Reach

Everything the devil does, ...

  • God over-reaches to serve His own purpose.

Run Today's Race Oswald Chambers

God blesses... 

  • those who are humble,
  • for they will inherit the whole earth.
Matthew 5:5

It’s a problem to be a sinner... 

  • because it means that the devil, who hates us, is our ruler. 
  • The Lord Jesus Christ transfers his people from the kingdom of Satan to his own kingdom of light. 
  • Jesus breaks the power over us that Satan had. 
  • If Jesus has met our greatest needs in this way, 
  • surely he is able to take care of us in every way.
Comforting Hearts, Teaching Minds
Starr Meade

He breaks the power of cancelled sin...
  • He sets the prisoner free;
  • His blood can make the foulest clean,
  • His blood availed for me.
O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing 
Charles Wesley

Personal Revival
  • Am I meek?
  • Am I willing to be governed by God alone?
  • Is the quality of brokenness clearly visible in my life?


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