True Enjoyment

The essence of Christianity is not adherence to principles; 

  • but a personal relationship to God through Jesus Christ at work in the whole of my life. 
  • The people who influence us are not those who set out to do it, they are self-righteous moralists; 
  • but the folk who have a real relationship to God and who never bother whether they are being of use; these are a continual assistance.

True enjoyment is not in what we do but in our relationships. 
  • If a man is true to God, everything between birth and death will work out on the line of joy. 
  • If we bank on what we do, whether it is good or bad, we are off the track; 
  • the one thing that matters is personal relationship.
The general history of Christianity is that it has been tried and abandoned...
  • because it is found to be difficult; 
  • but wherever it has been tried and honorably gone on with, it has never failed.

When we study Hebrew wisdom we see how terrifically far we have degenerated away from God and from confidence in God. 
  • Nowadays the almighty microbe has blotted God out of His heaven. 
  • When we come to the “soup” we are in just now, the catastrophic earthquake that is blasting the whole globe to bits, 
  • all we can do is to put on bandages and borrow opportunist phrases. 
  • According to Hebrew Wisdom, the thing to do is to bank on our faith in God, 
  • and where our duty lies do it like a man “and damn the consequences.
When in doubt physically, dare; when in moral doubt, stop; 
  • when in spiritual doubt, pray; 
  • and when in personal doubt, be guided by your life with God. 
  • Base all on God, and slowly and surely the actual life will be educated along the particular line of your relationship to Him.
Adapted Excerpt From
Shade of His Hand Oswald Chambers


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